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On July 17th, 2003 at 1 a.m. while working a vehicle accident, I was struck by a drunk driver. I lost everything I had. My wife left, as 1 year of watching me have seizures and not get better was too much for her. More
Drunk Driving News
Drunk Driving Fatalities Drop to Lowest Rate since 1950
The U.S. Department of Transportation recently announced that U.S. fatalities due to drunk driving fell to a record low number in 2009, declining by 7.4% from 2008, with a 19% decrease since 2000. This represents the lowest number since 1950. More
Drug and Alcohol Courts: An Effective Alternative to Jail
Drug courts were developed in the 1980's in an effort to stop the abuse of alcohol and other drugs, and to reduce the criminal activity that typically accompanies these behaviors. More
Hold Drunk Drivers Responsible
Everett, Washington

Everett, Washington has the distinction of being the county seat of Snohomish County and also its largest city. Everett has many other distinctive attributes prompting a strong and steady population growth during the last decade (U.S. Census Bureau). Everett has maintained a 2.7 percent growth rate from its 2000 total population of 91,488 to the 2009 estimate of 103,500 persons.
The population swell in Everett over the past two decades can be directly tied to the major growth of the technology, aerospace, and service-based industries. The 32 square miles that make up the City of Everett used to fuel the timber industry in the early days of its development. Timber still holds a place on the list of employment for the 100,000 persons in the Everett-area workforce.
Everett also owes a substantial portion of its past prosperity to its Port of Everett, established in 1918 as an international shipping port that brings trade, commerce, jobs and recreational opportunities to the city. Efforts to continue waterfront development in Everett are still very much alive; in 2006, a project was undertaken to convert the north end of the waterfront into a community of maritime businesses, retail shops and condominiums, starting at the Port of Everett's Port Gardner Wharf. Also in the port area is the Everett Yacht Club. Part of the renewal project brought the Everett Farmer's Market and the beginning of the Waterfront Concert Series to the Port of Everett.
With technology and the aerospace industry at the forefront of the local economy, it’s not surprising to see Boeing, a very prominent company in those fields, being the largest employer, landowner and community investor in the city. Everett is home to Boeing's largest site worldwide. The Boeing 747, 767, 777, and 787 airplanes are manufactured here. In fact, the Boeing plant in Everett is so large that it maintains its own fire department, security force, medical clinic, electrical power substations and water-treatment plant. In Boeing's latest worldwide debut, the 787 Dreamliner recently performed its maiden flight from Everett’s Paine Field.
Everett celebrates all of its natural wonders and scenic beauty. The lush foliage and vegetation in the City of Everett is showcased in over 40 municipal parks and gardens. Many of them are themed, including the Nishiyama Garden, a traditional Japanese garden located at the Nippon Business Institute at Everett Community College. One of the most beautifully intricate and well maintained gardens is the 2 1/2 acre Evergreen Arboretum.
Everett utilizes a Mayor and Council form of government. The City of Everett Municipal Court has two elected judges; one full time and one part time. This local court jurisdiction is supplemented by the Snohomish County District Court. Other municipal services in Everett include the award winning Fire & Rescue Department. With 175 firefighters and 40 certified paramedics, the 100,000 residents of Everett have a strong front line of defense and assistance when it comes to fires, car accidents and personal injury. The local court hears misdemeanor offenses, gross misdemeanors, miscellaneous infractions, parking and traffic tickets, DUI (Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or other drugs), and DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) cases. Felony prosecutions are passed on to the Snohomish County District Court.