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On July 17th, 2003 at 1 a.m. while working a vehicle accident, I was struck by a drunk driver. I lost everything I had. My wife left, as 1 year of watching me have seizures and not get better was too much for her. More
Drunk Driving News
Drunk Driving Fatalities Drop to Lowest Rate since 1950
The U.S. Department of Transportation recently announced that U.S. fatalities due to drunk driving fell to a record low number in 2009, declining by 7.4% from 2008, with a 19% decrease since 2000. This represents the lowest number since 1950. More
Drug and Alcohol Courts: An Effective Alternative to Jail
Drug courts were developed in the 1980's in an effort to stop the abuse of alcohol and other drugs, and to reduce the criminal activity that typically accompanies these behaviors. More
Hold Drunk Drivers Responsible
Tacoma, Washington

Tacoma, Washington is the heart of the Puget Sound Metropolitan area in Pierce County, WA, between Seattle and Olympia, the state capital. This vibrant waterfront community is on the shores of both Commencement Bay and the Puget Sound.
Tacoma is known as the “City of Destiny” since it became the Northern Pacific Railroad's western terminus in 1873. Tacoma, WA is well known for its scenic views. The magnificent backdrop is provided by saltwater shores and the towering mountain peaks of Mount Rainier.
Tacoma, Washington is a mid-size city with an estimated population of 193,830 (2007 U.S. Census). The population is evenly split between men and women. The median income of households in Tacoma was $47,207, according to the latest census.
While the bustling Port of Tacoma is a 2,400-acre independent municipal corporation located on Commencement Bay, the port is an important part of Tacoma. This leading North American seaport is responsible for more than 43,000 jobs in Pierce County, which generate $637 million in annual wages.
Several military installations, including Fort Lewis and McChord Air Force Base, are located close to Tacoma, Washington.
Public education is provided by the Tacoma School District. Nearby universities and colleges include the University of Washington-Tacoma, the University of Puget Sound, Pacific Lutheran University, City University, Clover Park Technical College, Bates Technical College, Pierce College, Tacoma Community College, Evergreen State College-Tacoma, and Washington State University Puyallup.
Interstate 5 is a major thoroughfare, linking Tacoma with Seattle to the north, and Portland, Oregon, to the south. Pierce Transit provides public bus service within Tacoma. Sound Transit provides commuter rail service within the city and operates the Tacoma Link light rail line, a free electric streetcar line linking Tacoma Dome Station with the University of Washington, Tacoma, Tacoma's Museum District, and the Theater District. Amtrak also provides service to Tacoma, Washington. The nearby Sea-Tac International Airport serves the Tacoma area.
The safety of the area's roadways is a priority for the City of Tacoma and Pierce County. A DUI (Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or other drugs) task force, the Tacoma/Pierce County Task Force on Alcohol/Driving, has been in place since 1983. Member agencies include numerous police and fire departments, the Pierce County Licensed Beverage Association, the Pierce County Sheriff's Department, the Pierce County Superior Court, and many other public safety organizations.
Tacoma attracts many visitors each year who come for events at the Greater Tacoma Convention and Trade Center and entertainment at the Tacoma Dome. Numerous area museums such as the Tacoma Art Museum also draw people to view exhibits from around the world.
The Tacoma CARES program, part of the Public Works Department, strives to create cleaner, safer neighborhoods by reducing the chances of personal injury to city residents from nuisances such as junk and abandoned vehicles on private property and litter that blocks public walkways. They also help residents avoid personal injury by enforcing building and structural codes. Public nuisances are taken seriously as they may cause personal injury, car accidents, and accidental death.
The State of Washington has four levels of courts: the Supreme Court; the Washington Court of Appeals; the superior courts, and the courts of limited jurisdiction which are district and municipal courts. The three divisions of the Court of Appeals are located in Seattle (Division One), Tacoma (Division Two), and Spokane (Division Three). Each of the state’s 39 counties has a superior court and a district court. Many of the state’s larger cities and towns have their own municipal courts.
The City of Tacoma Municipal Court is located at 930 Tacoma Avenue South, Room 841 in Tacoma. The Municipal Court in Tacoma, Washington hears cases involving violations of City of Tacoma ordinances including criminal charges, criminal traffic offenses such as DUI (Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or other drugs) cases and traffic and parking infractions. Small claims and civil cases are heard by the Pierce County District Courts. Pierce County District Court and Pierce County Superior Court are located in the County-City Building at 930 Tacoma Avenue South in Tacoma, WA.